Questions and answers about the United Nations
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3. How to increase your chances for a Job in the UN?
Section 3 - How long does a UN application take?
How quick is the UN application process and how long is UN recruitment?
Patience is key as my last UN supervisor used to say ‘good things come to those who wait’.
It is best to start by clarifying the UN is not just one organization but rather a family of different organizations as well as specialized organizations of the UN such as the WHO or IAEA, forming the UN. Consequently, there is also not only one recruitment experience, so things can vary from UN organization to organization and even within organizations based on another layer of separation such as department, section etc.
First things first check the advertisement period announced in the vacancy/job description (most of the time at the end of the document).
What are the internal UN application steps
Typical steps in the UN application process are to first sort through applicants that do not possess the necessary skills or experience , for example not having the correct years of experience, the educational requirements, and/or relevant work experience. Long listing as it is sometimes known is carried out by a panel of staff, with some vacancies having hundreds and even thousands of applicants you can imagine this can be a very long time consuming exercise; additional time may be added in the process to simply coordinate the panel members’ schedules to carry out this review.
What is UN short listing?
Once the long listing is done, short listing starts and with that the challenge to ensure that the most suitable candidates are invited for e.g. knowledge-based test or another type of simulation exercise, technical and/or written test or a UN competency-based interview.
And not forgetting the post interview processing such as an independent review of the application process and many more steps before the lucky candidate gets contacted.
The process sometime also depends on the nature or funding of posts, humanitarian-related jobs for example can be delayed due to sudden emergencies, institutional or political considerations.
Please be informed that the above outlines what can happen in cases when we are talking about a standard recruitment. The process may differ from vary widely from organization and to country where the organization operates.
The UN Secretariat is aware that its recruitment processes can be lengthy and is actively trying to reduce the timeframe. However, in most cases it can take several months for the application process to be completed.
So be patient and don’t give up, having been through it ourselves we are keen to share our tips and guidance as success can be achieved with hard work. Reach out for career advice, un job applications or simply to learn more. Take a look at our application guidance to see the common reasons for UN applicaton screening rejection.
Section 3 - Are there specific UN women jobs?
What roles are there for women at the UN?
Having been proud members among the 35% of women in the UN organisation we completed our careers at, the short answer is yes but there is more work for the UN to do. In addition United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres shared with the world in 2019 the appointment of Anita Bhatia from India to take the role of Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) for Resource Management, Sustainability and Partnerships with the UNwomen.org providing a great resource.
Ending all discrimination against women is not only a basic human right, but also reflected in the UN Sustainable development goals, more specifically Goal 5, on achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.
UN organization for Women
Most UN Organisations have made gender equality central to its work and have seen remarkable progress in the past years.
In addition, since 2010 the UN women, who are mentioned in our April UN career blog post is a UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women has made great strides. This leading global gender agency offers innovative programmes and in-depth expertise.
We are keen to stress its key to promote not just gender equality but equality in general wherever you are from and whoever you are, which is why we are happy to help guide you on your application and have done so for people seeking roles at the UN in Kenya, UN roles in New York, UN in Austria, UN in Canada and those who have reached out from India and even as far as Australia looking to develop their UN career.
UN employee benefits
Employees’ benefit from family friendly, work-life, and diversity policies, and most UN organizations are committed to maintaining a balanced gender and geographical representation.
Learn more about the benefits and the best role suited to your background with one of our career coaching sessions.

Get career advice for your dream UN job from former UN staff
Section 3 - Do entry level UN jobs exist? Are there entry level UN jobs I can apply for?
How can you start a career with the UN?
How can I get an entry level UN post?
Do entry level jobs in the UN exist? Yes, start by considering the type of specialzed agency you wish to apply for and then start to review each UN job and its associated specific requirements, which are specified in the job opening.
UN entry level job grades and internships
There are various different categories of staff at the United Nations such as Professional categories (P) or General Service categories (G). For entry level professionals’ positions for example most P2 vacancies are suitable.
UN entry level jobs and internships
Alternatively, you may want to apply for a UN internship and for other UN programmes like the Young Professional Programme (YPP) in the UN or the Junior Professional Programme (JPO). Interning for the United Nations is a great way to see if it is the career for you at an early stage.
Get in touch if you need further guidance on your UN application or UN career advice. Or take a look at our blog where we show you 8 ways to start a UN job.

Explore our blog for more career advice, insights on UN system job levels, what degree you need for certain roles and other questions like what are the salaries at the United Nations?
See our other 3 key UN question sections.
Here are some common United Nations organization questions and answers prepared by former UN employees.
Follow our monthly blog posts where we answer your questions and offer free UN application and UN career advice.
What are the UN core values?
1. What does the UN do?
This section will cover the typical UN organization questions.
(links will take you to the answers or scroll below)
Table of contents:
What is it like working at the UN?
2. What’s it like working for the United Nations?
This section will cover ways to work for the UN and what it is like working at a UN agency.
Table of contents:
How to start to begin a UN career?
3. How to increase your chances for a Job in the UN?
This section will answer typical UN application questions.
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