How to cope with career uncertainty in 2021 COVID-19. Is now a good time for a career change?


International Career uncertainty due to COVID19?

With the COVID19 effectively putting the world on lockdown and counties, for various reasons, cutting their funding left and right (e.g. the US for WHO) are there still any opportunities for a career within the United Nations system?

UCC is mindful of the complexities the world faces at present not just in the post study period of students and Alumni looking for a career given the current uncertainty but also for professionals seeking a career change from the private to the public sector.

What are the challenges job seekers are facing and is now the right time to search for your dream job in times of uncertainty or should you just take any job or perhaps stick with what you have?

UCC did some research for you and talked to recruiters in development banks, multilateral, bilateral, international, and non-governmental organizations and UN organisations.

We are happy to share that our findings show that organizations recruit more than ever!

Lets start with the obvious there are of course vacancies and a higher demand for doctors, medical and public health staff, clinical experts and/or specialists in disease control and prevention but look beyond these posts and you find there are a lot more roles for candidates with International relations experience and studies in differing areas from digital roles to administrative, financial, evaluation or quality control roles.

Challenging times or not, we believe the only way to manage your career successfully is by identifying your dream career, your why!

Maybe now is exactly the right time to finally pursue your dream career and take time to look into the career change you’ve always wanted!

The worst you can do right now, is do nothing; those who are smart use the additional time they have e.g. due to the commute time they save or the reduced working hours they are forced to do, to focus on what they want, what makes them happy and what career to pursue that has meaning and a positive impact for your own wellbeing and ideally the world.

You might have lost your job or live in fear to do so. Maybe its that job that took all of your time so you never had time to make your dream career happen? Have you ever stopped for a moment and asked yourself do you love what you do? Is it crazy to ask that question now? Maybe but we believe there is no right timing and it’s even more important to find your dream career NOW than ever before. What is your dream career?

Have you ever thought that maybe you’ll be more successful when you find your ideal career?

International Organizations are hiring. The United Nations Systems are hiring. There are lots of vacancies. Organizations are still investing in people!

Now is the best time to make a change and focus on building up your dream. What is it you want to add to your resume; how do you want to position yourself for your ideal career?

UCC will never guarantee a job but we are keen to impart knowledge and insights and share the experience of fellow U.N. colleagues who are keen to give something back.

Specifically, for women you might be interested in our blog post on “Why women are so important during Coronavirus for the UN?”

Looking for ways to kickstart your international career? We share the best cover letter tips and structure for 2021! Learn how to craft a cover letter that stands out with UCCs 20 page Illustrated guide of cover letter tips

The United Career Coalition aims to share knowledge, insights, tips & advice from those that have applied, interviewed and secured United Nations system roles! 

Want to learn more on how to spot relevant skills and competencies in a UN system vacancy or the best method to convey your skills in a cover letter? Get in touch with one of our UN insiders or download UCC’s 45min cover letter webinar with tips and advice from UN insiders!

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