How to network on LinkedIn like a pro! Do’s and Don’ts


How to use LinkedIn effectively for your UN job application; UN insider tips and tricks for optimizing your LinkedIn profile for your successful UN job search.

Are you struggling to find a UN entry role or your next professional UN system role? UCC aims to help those making a career change or transition into new sectors and functions.

Need help finding UN jobs and want to know how to ace your next UN job application? UCC will help you optimise your LinkedIn profile, so you are visible to UN recruiters. Your LinkedIn profile is your digital CV and our professional UN Insiders can help you make your resume advertise your key transferable UN system relevant skills. To learn more about essential UN related values, competencies and skills read our BLOG entry on “What are the core values and competencies of the UN? And what are the differences between values and competencies? “

Furthermore, UCC will provide advise on how to be compliant with ATS software. We will intensively prep you for all your recruiter and hiring manager interviews.

This blog post aims to give you some general advice on how to give your LinkedIn profile more visibility and with that increase your chances of getting an interview invite.

1.)   Ensure your LinkedIn Name is identical with the name of the job for which you are applying; don’t use nicknames or abbreviations.

2.)   Use keywords relevant to the job you are seeking/your future career goal. This will help recruiters and organizations to find you.

3.)   Network, connect and leverage your professional network! You should be serious about growing your LinkedIn network; join groups and contribute to conversations related to your field of interest but never spam groups!

4.)   Ask former colleagues and other professionals on the network for a professional recommendation and endorsement; but be strategic about when and who to ask and be ready to do the same in return for others. Reach out to people who know you and your work well and can speak to the specific value you offer.

5.)   Avoid info dump! UCC recommends you delete out-dated, irrelevant information and/or unrelated experience on your LinkedIn profile.

To learn more and to understand what and how to properly reflect your experience, skills and competencies in your UN job fit LinkedIn Profile, get in touch with one of our professional UN insiders.


UCC’s webinar on '“effective networking” can now be downloaded on UCC’s webinar on demand page "Can you network your way into the UN system?" How do you do it? Learn how from our UN insiders!


  1. Networking sometimes has negative connotations ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know’ and ‘the old boys’ network’.
    Effective networking however is NOT about begging for favours and/or about selfishly looking after your own interests and pursuing your own agenda; effective networking is a two-way process! And effective networkers are more likely to be offered opportunities!

  2. Learn from UN insiders why networking is so important for a successful career, how effective networking works and which methods to avoid and which to pursue.

  3. How to Network on LinkedIn Like a Pro; critical Dos and Don'ts of LinkedIn Networking.

UCC’s webinar on '“effective networking” can now be downloaded on UCC’s webinar on demand page.


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