Where to find UN jobs? Where to apply for UN jobs?
Where to find UN jobs? Where to apply for UN jobs?
Where to find UN jobs? Where to apply for UN jobs?
UN jobs are hard to get so make sure you don’t miss possible suitable vacancies!
Those of you who already started looking into possible UN system roles or internship posts, probably came across the most common UN job search sites which are UNjobs.org and UN careers.
For a complete list of all jobs however it is not enough to visit one or two UN Job search sites but to dig a bit deeper.
The “UN” is not one big employer; there are various intergovernmental organisations, regional banks and specialised agencies to the UN, funds and programmes such as UNAIDS, OECD, WFP, IAEA, UNODC, CTBTO, OPCW, UNICEF, UNDP, UNEP, IMF, the World Bank Group or FAO etc.
What’s important to know is that not all of those agencies are reflecting their vacancies on the UN career search sites but on their own homepages.
While its correct that e.g. UN Careers advertises quite a lot of internships and job opportunities not only within the UN Secretariat but also with other UN system agencies such as UNEP or UNODC, we advise applicants to look into other sites; specifically for those UN system agencies who advertise their vacant roles on their own website.
UCC did some research for you and listed some of those UN system organizations that advertise their vacant posts on their homepage:
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The United Career Coalition aims to share knowledge, insights, tips & advice from those that have applied, interviewed and secured United Nations system roles!
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